The World Wind Energy Council (WEC) publishes the World Report on Offshore Wind Energy 2022. This report shows that in 2021 They installed 21,1 GW of new capacity offshore wind all over the world. It represents a double year-on-year increase and the largest increase in history.
It also shows that global offshore wind power is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 8,3% for the next five years. And cumulative new installations will exceed 90 GW between 2022 Y 2026.

market drivers of offshore wind power
Governments around the world now recognize that offshore wind power represents a secure energy source, affordable and clean. At the same time, wind power development can boost industry and create jobs.
For example, Demand for submarine power lines will then grow substantially. Due to the energy crisis, Governments have increased their targets for offshore wind energy to ensure the energy supply.
As governments around the world demand more and more offshore wind capacity, a new era of spectacular growth in demand for wind energy will begin. GWEC has raised its prospects for 2030 in a 16,7%. Total offshore wind power installations expected to reach 316GW.
The report notes that annual offshore wind installations are expected to more than double in 2031 Compared to the figures of 2021, with additions that will reach 54,9 GW.
While the offshore wind share of all new wind installations is expected to increase from 23% in 2021 to at least the 30% in 2031.
Regional wind energy markets
23GW of offshore wind power is currently being built around the world. The 49,5% is in Europe and the 46,6% in Asia.
The GWEC report anticipates that, at the end of 2022, Asia to overtake Europe as world's largest wind power market. Europa, instead, it could take to recover the first position until 2031.
by countries, China is currently the most active market, con 7,8 GW of wind capacity under construction. In 2021, for the fourth consecutive year, will have the largest share of new offshore wind installations. It's with him 80% of new capacity deployed worldwide.
The second largest market for wind power is the UK, con 5,6 GW of projects under construction.

Floating wind power sector
In 2021, new installed capacity floating wind power It is 57 MW, for a total installed capacity of 121,4 MW. Floating wind power has moved from the demonstration phase to the pre-commercial phase.
Of the new floating wind capacity in 2021, 48 MW are installed in the UK, 5,5 MW in China and 3,6 MW in Norway.
The GWEC has increased its forecast for floating wind power to 2030 in a 14% compared to last year's report. The forecast is that 18.9GW will be built worldwide to 2030, with 11GW in Europe, 5,5GW in Asia and the rest in North America.
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