as a natural phenomenon, lightning is generated for various reasons. During the frequent annual lightning season, power lines can be significantly affected.
Las 10KV overhead lines are subject to direct and induced lightning, that can generate very high voltages and cause surges in overhead cables.
The lightning surge is usually much higher than the allowable voltage of the line. The lack of protection measures against lightning can easily cause it to strike the insulation., which can lead to fractures at weak points. Serious damage to electrical equipment leads to unnecessary safety accidents.

Lightning protection measures in 10KV overhead cables:
1. Types of lightning protection devices
Currently, There is a wide variety of lightning protection products for 10kV overhead distribution lines.. Among them, metal oxide lightning rods are found, monopolar and bipolar discharge gaps, lightning protection lines, etc.
Most lightning protection devices for 10kV overhead distribution lines are installed without additional grounding measures..
This is because when the overhead distribution line is struck by lightning, the lightning protection device will become a conductive element to achieve the protection of overhead cables.
When the lightning protection device is activated, the voltage on the 10kV overhead distribution line is mainly the residual voltage at both ends of the lightning protection device, so that distribution line protection can be maximized.
2. Selection of lightning protection devices
Lightning protection devices are generally installed on the load side of the 10kV overhead distribution line insulator.. And lightning protection devices are installed on the load side of the feeding method for the isolated overhead lines with bidirectional feeding or ring network feeding..
Must be directly below the 10kV overhead distribution line conductor. Lightning protection devices can be installed on each tower throughout the distribution airline 10kV to improve the level of lightning protection.
Besides, This can ensure that the insulators of the 10kV overhead distribution line are not struck by lightning..
The choice of lightning protection devices, in addition to considering the structure of the regional network, the characteristics of the equipment and other factors, but also in conjunction with the characteristics of the local lightning catastrophe and the degree of damage to lines and equipment, etc.
The economic benefits, the difficulties of installing the lightning rod, lifespan and scope of lightning protection are also important factors to consider.

3. Common lightning protection devices on overhead lines
The zinc oxide lightning rod is currently a lightning protection device with relatively stable performance and economical. It is suitable for distribution stations, distribution cabinets and the installation of cable terminals and other important equipment.
The multi-camera protector against Electric arc provides a relatively wide range of high arc extinguishing capabilities. But its price is higher, is suitable for installation in areas where lightning damage frequently occurs.
Discharge gap installation is suitable for installation along the multi-pole line, which can play the role of large-area and long-distance protection.
The advantages of good lightning protection in overhead cables
10kV overhead distribution lines are an important part of the electrical power system. The safe operation of overhead cables is closely related to people's lives.
The planning of lightning protection in the distribution network according to local conditions and the scientific comparison and selection of lightning protection measures will greatly reduce the faults caused by lightning in the distribution lines..
This will effectively improve the reliability of power supply and the level of safe consumption of electricity..
We hope the information can help you. ZMS CABLE offers reliable and economical cables with technical assistance for installation. If you have any doubts, Contact us.