Theft of Power Cables in Greece Causes Traffic Obstacles

According to a news from 17 October, Greek police have recently dismantled a gang of cable thieves. The band consisted of four Greek. They are suspected of having stolen electricity and light cables on Ionian Avenue.

in the night of the day 14, local time, the gang arrived in a car at Ionian Avenue. Gang members broke through a highway fence and pulled some of the underground public light cables through three electrical wells.. This caused a power outage on Ionian Avenue and caused disruption to local traffic..

cut wires
robbery wires

The local police were alerted and quickly solved the case and arrested the gang of thieves that same night.. The search of the car driven by the members of the band allowed to recover the missing cables, which were handed over to the competent authorities.

According to the police investigation, the gang had carried out eight robberies throughout the Avenida Ionian and the Alexis Coastal Highway since May of this year. They stole a total of 2.500 meters of cable for a total cost of approximately 21.500 euros. The gang of robbers has caused extensive damage to the Greek electricity road network.

Why would someone steal the cables??

Cable thieves choose to steal them mainly because of the increase in the price of scrap. The most commonly used conductive materials for cables are aluminum and copper.. And the current price of recycling copper scrap is about 3 dollars per pound.

Besides, the product structure of cables is complex. The processing of the cables requires the addition of insulation, appantallamiento, layer-by-layer armor and coating on the periphery of the conductor to make the final cable product. Therefore, the waste cable itself also has a high recycling value.