Nexans Will Install Superconducting Cables at Montparnasse Station in France

Montparnasse Station

The French pure electrification company Nexans has won a project under the program “Future Investments” of the French public investment bank Bpifrance.

It will work with the French state railway company SNCF Network to install superconducting cables at Montparnasse station. It will be the first superconducting cable in France and the first in the world to be integrated into the rail supply network.

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Greece and Saudi Arabia to Build a Joint Communication Fiber

East to Med data corridor Conference

Grecia y Arabia Saudí han decidido crear una empresa conjunta para unir las comunicaciones entre Europa y Asia mediante fibra óptica.El proyecto se denominaEast to Med data Corridor”. Se espera que este enorme proyecto de cable de datos esté terminado para 2025.

It is cable de datos, que abarcará tanto el mar como la tierra, será desarrollado conjuntamente por la empresa saudí STC y MENA HUB, propiedad de la empresa griega de telecomunicaciones y aplicaciones por satélite TTSA.

La compañía eléctrica griega PPC y el operador de telecomunicaciones chipriota CYTA también tendrán una participación parcial en el proyecto.

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5G Powers The Smart Grid

Intelligent Network

The smart grid refers to a new generation of power systems based on the traditional power system by integrating new energy, New Materials, new equipment and new technologies.

Smart networks are characterized by a high degree of information, automation and interactivity. It can make safe operation come true, reliable, economical and efficient network.

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