What is the best conductor of electricity??

Conductive Metals

An electrical conductor is a substance that has a low resistivity and easily conducts electric current.. The presence of a large number of freely moving charged particles in a conductor is called a carrier.. Under the action of an external electric field, carriers move directionally, creating an apparent current. So, what is the best conductor of electricity?

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What Are Plastic Conductors?

plastic conductor material

Plastics are often considered to have very poor electrical conductivity, so they are used to make insulating cable covers.

Nevertheless, scientists have discovered that plastic conductors can be made by mixing the plastics with a high concentration of stringy carbon black and a coking compound.

Plastic conductors are the most important class of conductive polymeric materials.

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Aluminum cables: A Strong Competitor of Copper Wires

aluminum wires

Cables are the heart of any electrical project. Whether it is an interior or exterior project, an underground or aerial installation, cables are the key.

So, What type of the cable should we choose? Copper or aluminum cable? Does the cable need reinforcement? (usually steel)?

In this article we will explore these issues and explain why aluminum cables may be more suitable than other options for certain types of power transmission..

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